Styiling your Melbourne photoshoot is important. Outfits and style is always something personal – so take this article as a little guidance – but in the end it is your personality.
What to wear for your photo shoot in Melbourne?
It’s best to choose plain colours which compliment each other. This doesn’t mean that you all turn up wearing the same colour! Yes, we’ve had a whole family turn up wearing pink (including the men) and it’s not the best look for a creative family photo shoot. There are a lot of ideas for styling your family so if you’re after some inspiration, take a look online!
If you’re wanting to wear some patterns and florals, only a touch of it is nice or a well-coordinated mixture of patterns can also work wonderfully! As long as the colours all compliment each other! Avoid clashing prints like stripe with floral or checks. Also, avoid wearing items with logos on them. These logos might be great to you now but you might not like them so much in the future and they’re in all of your family photos!
Consider wearing weather appropriate clothing. It does look out of place if someone is in a jumper or warm jacket and everyone is wearing shorts and t-shirts! Same goes for winter styling. Don’t have someone sticking out like a sore thumb wearing shorts and a t-shirt while others are rugged up! Do allow your family members to dress in what they’re comfortable in. Forcing someone to wear what they don’t like will produce sad looking faces.
Whether you’ve chosen the beach or a park for your family photo shoot, you can choose to dress for the location. It’s also quite a lovely contrast if you decide on a formal theme for such locations rather than the called-for relaxed theme. It’s really up to your personalities and how you want your family photos to look like.
Family Photography Styling Tips:
- avoid wearing items with logos
- stick with plain, complimenting colours
- don’t wear clashing patterns
- think about the season and weather-appropriate clothing
- dress for comfort
- dress for a theme